Showing posts with label Remote Sensing GIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remote Sensing GIS. Show all posts

Saturday, 31 December 2022

Udemy GIS Coupon code for 2023

 ArcSWAT: Covers hydrological simulations and weather data preparation using R; use it for any research area, and scripts are available for download.


SWAT CUP: The simulated flow may not always completely match the observed flow. In this scenario, we must establish hydrological parameters. SWATCUP handles it automatically and recommends the best match settings.



GROUNDWATER: This course covers the use of GIS for groundwater investigation using theoretical parameters. Create a live project from scratch.



LANDUSE LANDCOVER: Covers landuse classification of high-resolution data. You will learn how to correct error pixels such as urban and barren land, or agriculture and natural vegetation. It covers most classification methods, such as machine learning, supervised, unsupervised, and pixel-level recoding of challenging images.



FUTURE LANDUSE: Remote sensing has impressive capabilities to generate future landuse classified image of  2090, even if it is not captured in the present; see machine learning in action. No coding is required.



BASIC GIS: This course covers more than a university lab class if you are new to GIS. This course will teach you about 3D, data analysis, and satellite image processing. 11hrs of hands-on videos of practicals.


Sunday, 9 December 2018

Estimation of Groundwater Potential Zones using GIS and Remote Sensing

Estimation of Groundwater potential zone using GIS is and very easy work. Even Just basic knowledge of GIS is Required. You Just need to know to concept how it works and how to take that work from form GIS data. Groundwater Potential zone is just an estimate of possible location of water availability. But it does not tell the water depth. But if you want to know monitor changes in water depth in this case you need to work with actual data and plot that data in GIS. You can also calculate water level changes and location by using GIS if you have observation data. Groundwater Required few layers like Land Use, Rainfall, Soil, Drainage density,  DEM, Even number of layers is not limited you can use any number of layer as per information available, like Geomorphology also. This project is sometime given to Master of PhD students. But actually this is work of Just one day if you have good internet connection and ability to work Just 8 hrs continuous. Only write up will take time. So here is step by step Video tutorial is available for this project. It covers from data downloading to final results, Even the same tutorial covers Drought and Flood risk zone also, because it use same data.  High Quality GIS contents are not free, But too cheap also as 10$. If you learn GIS offline this will cost you thousand of dollars and at last you not have single video of course. You purely depend on you notebook. But if everything is available in video you can do it better, watch any step anytime rewind it. So All reading this post have access to this course using special link. Below this post. 
  • Successfully identify Groundwater Potential Zones
  • Also Drought prone Area analysis
  • Flood Risk map
  • Working with Rainfall Data
  • Generate Soil Map and identify Soil Properties
  • Delineate Watershed
  • Drainage Density and Drainage Maps
  • Mosaic of Digital Elevation Model
  • Area Calculation from Pixels
  • Data Interpolation
  • Adding Data from Excel to GIS Environment
  • Perform GIS data calculations
  • Tool used for Site suitability analysis
  • Working with CDF file and data Extraction, Map Generation, Calculation,
  • Data Reclassification
  • Generate Fluctuation maps to identify Good Aquifer.
  • Data Reproject
  • Calculation with Raster Data
  • Data management in GIS
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
  • Basic GIS
  • Must have Landuse image
  • You must have ArcGIS any Version
Who this course is for:
  • GIS Student
  • GIS Professionals
  • Professors
  • Scientists
  • Master Student of Remote Sensing and GIS
  • PhD Research Scholars
  • Groundwater Exploration Engineers
  • Irrigation Engineers
  • Water Resource Engineers
  • Students of WRDM
  • Govt. Policy Makers
  • Ministry of Earth Science

Groundwater Potential Zones using GIS

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

ArcSWAT Tutorial

Landuse Tutorial

Sometime barren land has same appeared as urban area, Rivers are dry that appears as barren land. Even after final land use we think to add new class. But cannot add. Sometime forest in Hill shade area and appear black. Learn this all Everything how does with New Methods. More than Supervised classification and Get 90% Accuracy. Also learn how to do change detection. Like if urban area is increasing the how much area it takes from Agriculture or Forest, How Landuse is changing w.r.t Each class. Calculate are in Km, or Pixels. Lastly do accuracy report. Learn this everything. Only for LinkedIn offer who reading this post. This is already discounted link. Lear at your time. No time bound. Enrol now and watch more than 5 hrs step and your time.  You will also get valid certificate also.

ArcSWAT Tutorial

ArcSWAT is an watershed simulation model. Used for watershed, Water resource planning, Planning of Hydropower projects. It typical model to run with ArcGIS , Most of people facing error in SWAT Model. So, I have created a complete unofficial tutorial of SWAT model with ArcGIS. In this I covered Data download to final results. This include data preparation of SWAT model in Depth. Configuring swat model from scratch. I demonstrated using A live study area, from zero. I also covered custom data set for other countries to prepare for which no data is available, including preparation of soil maps. I covered to remove common error in weather data also. How to read output. How to manual configure inside SWAT model

Link to Tutorials

All tutorial covering GIS work from Data download to final results, you can use it as you like. No need to ask anyone to learn about land use. You also learn image processing and many tasks of GIS from zero, Discount already applied to this link for all who watching this page. This course Normally no one teach in depth, I decided to share deep knowledge which everyone can effort. You can watch it anytime after enrol, ask me questions. You will also get valid international corticate with digital id after complete of this tutorial.  if someone tech he charges you much money for this course. But I created all video and currently providing it only 700 Rs/ or 10$ only.  After enrol to this tutorial you will get all upcoming tutorial at same price. 

Discounted link to landuse course:
Discounted link to Watershed Simulation course with ArcSWAT GIS

Monday, 16 April 2018

ArcSWAT and Landuse Best Tutorial Ever

ArcSWAT : Most of people facing error in SWAT Model. So, I have created a complete unofficial tutorial of SWAT model with ArcGIS. In this I covered Data download to final results. This include data preparation of SWAT model in Depth. Configuring swat model from scratch. I demonstrated using A live study area, from zero. I also covered custom data set for other countries to prepare for which no data is available, including preparation of soil maps. I covered to remove common error in weather data also. How to read output. How to manual configure inside SWAT model

Landuse: Sometime barren land has same appeared as urban area, Rivers are dry that appears as barren land. Even after final land use we think to add new class. But cannot add. Sometime forest in Hill shade area and appear black. Learn this all Everything how does with New Methods. More than Supervised classification and Get 90% Accuracy. Also learn how to do change detection. Like if urban area is increasing the how much area it takes from Agriculture or Forest, How Landuse is changing w.r.t Each class. Calculate are in Km, or Pixels. Lastly do accuracy report. Learn this everything. Only for LinkedIn offer who reading this post. This is already discounted link. Lear at your time. No time bound. Enrol now and watch more than 5 hrs step and your time.  You will also get valid certificate also.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

landuse landcover classification step by step in GIS

This is first landuse landcover course on udemy the most demanding topic in GIS, In this course I covered from data download to final results. I used ERDAS, ArcGIS and ENVI. I explained all possible methods of land use classification. More then landuse Pre Procession of images are covered after dowanload and after classification, how to correct error pixels are also covered, So after learning here you no need to ask anyone about lanudse classification. I explained theoretical concept also during processing of data. I have covered supervised, unsupevised, combined method, pixel correction methods etc. For in depth of all methods enroll in this course. 

Problem faced During classification:
Some of us faced problem during classification as:

  1. Urban area and barren land has same signature
  2. Dry river reflect same signature as urban area and barren land
  3. if you try to correct urban and get error in barren
  4. In Hilly area you cannot classify forest which is in the hill shade area. 
How to get rid of this all problems Join this course in link below. Don't miss this chance its already at 70% off link for all visitor of this site

This will cost you only 1280 Rs/-

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Download High Resolution Satellite Images Free (10 meter)

Now Downloading of  High Resolution Satellite Images Free (10 meter). It is also available on Earth explorer. Watch the video Tutorial below. Also Subscribe our YouTube channel for more videos.


Wednesday, 4 November 2015

GIS का डाटा मुफ्त डाउनलोड करने के लिंक

List of Important sites to Download free Satellite images and GIS Data

This is to download 30 meter DEM and ETM+ and LandSat images in range from 1990 to 2005.
This is most useful site provide you 30 meter Landsat even of 2012 even a day before. But you select Landsat 5 while download this have imagery upto 2011 November. 2012 Landsat images have scan line error.
This is same as glovis. But this have High Resolution imagery of orbit view for free Download (But not for all region of world) NDVI and MODIS images . This also have updated data of available satellite upto 2012  (India only cartosat dem of 30 meter and IRS images of 30meter and 60 meter)        Dem world (30m)     shape files download

Friday, 14 September 2012

ArcGIS 10 में DEM का पर्दर्शन कैसे किया जाये

It is easy to represent DEM in ArcGIS 10 See Video Below. Click on on Bottom of Video to see it Clearly. Or See this Video in Full Screen